What you should know about abortion in Northern Virginia


If you are considering having an abortion in Northern Virginia, you should know that abortion doctors and clinics in this area have had licenses revoked, been responsible for serious injuries and even death to women patients, and failed Virginia health inspections. You have options.

The unsafe practices by abortion doctors and unsafe conditions in abortion clinics in Northern Virginia are documented in court records, Virginia Dept. of Health Inspection Reports, and Virginia Board of Medicine Orders available to the public. Some examples are:

Court Cases

Circuit Court of Fairfax County #172985 --- A young woman suffered a lacerated and badly perforated uterus, lacerated artery and blood vessels, and hemorrhaging during an abortion. Despite uncontrolled bleeding, extreme pain, and signs of shock, she was discharged from the clinic and told to go home. She became unconscious on the way home and was rushed to a hospital where doctors had to remove her uterus to save her life. The abortion doctor who injured this young woman has worked at several Northern Virginia abortion clinics. The clinic where this injury occurred has changed names several times, the latest being Falls Church Healthcare Center.

Circuit Court of Fairfax County #CL2009-2641 --- Abortion clinic doctor failed to detect an ectopic (tubal) pregnancy in a woman, performed an unnecessary abortion in her uterus, and discharged her from the clinic despite great pain, bleeding, weakness and dizziness. She returned 3 days later to the clinic where the doctors again failed to detect her ectopic pregnancy and released her to go home. In unbearable pain and bleeding, she collapsed at home and was rushed to the hospital where doctors determined that she had a life-threatening ectopic pregnancy and removed her fallopian tube. The abortion doctor is the same one cited in the previous case.

Circuit Court of Fairfax County #L174899 --- Abortion clinic doctor failed to detect cancer in a young woman in several pap smears. The cancer metastasized; she became paralyzed and died. Had the abortion doctor detected the cancer earlier and had she received treatment, she would have had a 90% chance of surviving. Her family sued the abortionist and others involved and was awarded a $2M+ judgment. Although this case did not involve abortion, it illustrates the low quality of care provided by abortionists. This abortion doctor has been a co-owner of several abortion clinics in this area and has practiced for many years at Falls Church Healthcare Center.

Henrico County Circuit Court CR02001507-00 thru 510-00 – An abortion doctor working in a clinic in Falls Church (now operating as Falls Church Healthcare Center) severely injured a young woman undergoing an abortion. He perforated her uterus and damaged her bowel, causing her to hemorrhage. He then sent her to a hospital via ambulance, abandoned her without sufficient information on her condition, and did not communicate with the hospital staff. The hospital discovered the severity of her injuries through emergency exploratory procedures and performed a hysterectomy and a colostomy on the young woman. This doctor subsequently inflicted similar injuries on two young women at a clinic in Richmond before the Virginia Board of Medicine suspended his medical license. The very next day he performed 23 illegal abortions without a license at the Richmond clinic. He was convicted of four counts of practicing medicine without a license and spent time in jail as a result of these felonies. His medical license was permanently revoked. (VA Board of Medicine Order Re: License No. 0101- 053053, 8/30/02)

Supreme Court of Virginia #990376 --- Wrongful death case. Abortion clinic doctor started a Caesarian Section delivery too late to avoid severe brain damage to the baby. Taken off life support, the baby died 8 days after birth. The parents sued and were awarded $655K for their sorrow and mental anguish. Although this case did not involve abortion, it shows the low quality of care given by abortionists. This abortion doctor practices at several abortion clinics in Northern Virginia including Falls Church Healthcare.

BEWARE Abortion Clinics in Northern Virginia

Falls Church Healthcare Center, 900 S. Washington St., Falls Church, VA 22046. This abortion clinic claims to provide “safe, sanitary first-trimester abortions in accordance with Virginia and federal laws.” The facts prove otherwise. The history of Falls Church Healthcare, sometimes operating under different names, and its doctors is replete with injuries to women undergoing abortions, lawsuits from abortion-injured women (see above), failed health and safety inspections, injuries/reactions requiring emergency hospitalization, and doctor’s violation of regulations. A Virginia Dept. of Health inspection on Aug 1-2, 2012 found Falls Church Healthcare not in compliance with Virginia regulations for abortion clinics. A 63-page report detailed numerous deficiencies including: dried blood on patient exam table; walls and doors blood-spattered; filthy patient recovery chairs; contaminated blood collection equipment not cleaned between patient use; clean and contaminated equipment stored in same area; use of outdated drugs; failure to control narcotics and other drugs; inadequate staff training, etc. A revisit inspection by the Virginia Dept. of Health on Dec 5-6, 2012 found Falls Church Healthcare again non-compliant with the regulations. Several deficiencies in personnel, infection prevention, equipment and supplies remained uncorrected from the previous inspection. Another inspection on June 11-12, 2018 found expired medications available for use and failure to report a serious injury to a patient during an abortion at FCHC. These and other deficiencies are documented in a 33-page report by the Health Dept. One of Falls Church Healthcare’s abortion doctors was issued a reprimand on 8/15/13 for violating the Virginia Board of Medicine General Regulations. (Virginia Board of Medicine Order Re: License No. 0101-018451, 8/15/13)

NOVA Woman’s Healthcare, 10400 Eaton Place, Fairfax, VA 22030. The doctor/owner/operator of this abortion clinic voluntarily and permanently surrendered her Virginia medical license following the death of her patient, a 26 year old woman, and violations of the Virginia Code, Virginia Board of Medicine Regulations, and Virginia Board of Medicine Order. She was performing an abortion on that young woman at her clinic. (Virginia Board of Medicine Orders of 4/5/05 and 5/18/07 License No. 0101-023297). A Virginia Dept. of Health inspection in 2012 found this clinic not in compliance with Virginia health regulations. This was documented in a 38-page Dept. of Health report. This clinic closed in 2013 but its doctors are still practicing in other abortion clinics in the area.

American Women’s Services (also known as Virginia Health Group and American Reproductive Services), 8316 Arlington Blvd., Fairfax, Virginia 22031. The owner/operator of this clinic:

a) has had his medical license revoked in New York following abortions in which one patient bled profusely due to a cervical laceration, lost consciousness, went into shock, and was rushed to a hospital where an emergency hysterectomy was performed. An abortion on another patient resulted in a lacerated uterus, damaged ureters, and an injured colon. The patient was taken by ambulance to a hospital where it was necessary to perform a colostomy. In revoking this doctor's license, the New York State Dept. of Health determined that his procedures constituted "negligence" and "gross negligence" and that this negligence was "life threatening." (New York Dept. of Health Order ARB No. 94-98).

b) has had his medical license revoked in Florida for violation of Florida medical statutes. (Florida Board of Medicine Order License No. ME0052183).

c) voluntarily retired his medical license in Pennsylvania with no possibility for reinstatement following investigation into his abortion practice in that state. ( Pennsylvania Board of Medicine Order File No. 91-49-03154).

d) has had his medical license suspended in New Jersey, must reimburse the state for $420K in legal fees, and pay a $140K fine. He was convicted of several counts of gross negligence, deception and official misconduct. He provided “grossly negligent care to five patients who sought and secured late term abortions." He started "individual abortion procedures in his New Jersey office and, following that initial treatment, transported four of the five women in car caravans from New Jersey to Maryland" where the final procedures were performed in order to circumvent the more stringent New Jersey laws. (New Jersey Board of Medical Examiners Order License No. MA051068.) Maryland has ordered him to stop practicing medicine without a license in that state.

e) has been arrested and charged, along with another of his abortion doctors, with murder in the State of Maryland. (Philadelphia Inquirer, Dec 31, 2011).

f) A troubled, sometimes-licensed medical “assistant” with mental illness and an attempted murder charge working in his clinic has committed suicide.

g) A Virginia Health Dept. inspection of American Women's August 2012 found 12 pages of health code violations including failure to clean medical equipment between patients; lack of infection control; expired medications; mishandled and improperly stored medications; inadequate record keeping; personnel with unverified medical licenses and certificates, etc. This clinic's license was suspended in April 2016 when a Health Department inspection found 26 major violations which were documented in a 52-page report. This clinic is closed (also called Virginia Health Group) and is no longer operating in Fairfax, VA.

Planned Parenthood of Metropolitan Washington, 370 S. Washington St., Falls Church, VA 22046. A Planned Parenthood abortion doctor performed an abortion on a 14-year old girl and severely injured her, leaving her infertile for the rest of her life. Her family sued (US District Court for DC Case 1:08-cv-00231-RBW) and Planned Parenthood paid $1.4M in damages. This clinic failed a Virginia Dept. of Health inspection on June 28-29, 2012. The Dept. of Health report contains numerous deficiencies including: tears in the vinyl on the abortion tables that made sanitizing impossible; recovery room chairs in soiled cloth or torn vinyl that could not be adequately sanitized; expired drugs and syringes; administering medications without documented doctor’s orders; improper and appalling drug handling practices. When one employee was questioned about her failure to clean the tops of drug vials before inserting syringes, the worker responded, “The current research says it doesn’t make any difference. You could lick the tops of the vials and the infection rate would be the same.” This clinic closed in December 2015. It's abortion doctors are still practicing in the area.

Alexandria Women’s Health Clinic , 101 S. Whiting St., Suite 215, Alexandria, VA 22304.

An abortion doctor who worked at this clinic failed to detect cancer in a young woman in several visits for pap smears. The cancer metastasized; she died; and her family was awarded over $2M in a court judgement. (Circuit Court of Fairfax County #L174899) He also was reprimanded for violating Virginia medical regulations. (Virginia Board of Medicine Order Re: License No. 0101-018451, 8/15/13) . This clinic failed two Virginia Health Dept. inspections. The first inspection on July 18 & 19, 2012 found numerous failures in such areas as: infection prevention, cleanliness, sanitation, control of narcotics, and quality assurance. These were documented in a 29 page report. A repeat inspection on March 27, 2013, documented in a 27 page report, found that little had been done to correct the earlier deficiencies. The numerous uncorrected violations included failure to wash hands before and after abortions; use of expired medications and blood; use of cloth chairs and damaged exam tables that could not be disinfected between patients; no staff training in infection control; and inadequate cleaning of dirty gowns and patient blankets. When asked, the reason given for not correcting the violations in the 9 months since the initial inspection was that they’ve “been busy and hadn’t gotten to it.”

Amethyst Health Center for Women, 9380 Forestwood Lane, Manassas, VA 20110. An abortion doctor at this clinic was sued in a case of wrongful death (DC Court Case No. CA 005177). Another abortion doctor who worked there was sued for an abortion that was so badly botched that it necessitated an emergency hysterectomy (Circuit Court of Fairfax County Case No. 172985). Another doctor was reprimanded by the Virginia Dept. of Health for allowing unqualified workers to administer drugs to abortion patients (VA. Board of Medicine Order Re: License No. 0101-018451, 8/10/13). This clinic failed two Virginia Dept. of Health inspections. The Health Dept. report of the May 31-June 1, 2012 inspection documents 17 pages of non-compliance. Violations include: recovery recliners not disinfected between patients; tears in recovery area stretchers that could not be sanitized; using the same rubber gloves for all patients; expired drugs; use of expired bleach that had lost its ability to sanitize; failure to properly launder linens to prevent infection; blood and drugs stored in “soiled” utility room refrigerator with staff member’s lunches, etc. This clinic closed in September 2015. Some of its abortion doctors are still operating at other abortion clinics in this area.

Annandale Women and Family Center, 2839 Duke St., Alexandria, VA 22314. An abortion doctor who has worked at this Clinic was sued for wrongful death (DC Court Case No. CA 005177). This facility was inspected in 2012 by the Dept. of Health which issued a 48 page report of health code violations including: dried blood, torn surface and tape on abortion table; torn surfaces on recovery room stretchers; failure to clean “direct care” equipment between patients; reuse of sponges that were used to clean dirty surgical equipment and no way to sterilize them; failure to properly launder linens used on patients; failure to have staff with current CPR certification on duty; etc.

Choices, Options, and Available Help

Do you really want to take the risks of an abortion by one of these abortionists in one of these abortion clinics?

You have options which these clinics will not tell you about. Please consider these options for your own good. Is someone pressuring you? What do you want? You might be considering an abortion because of a potential financial crunch, or perhaps it's just "not the right time" to have a baby, or other reasons.

Help of various kinds is available. To find out about your options and the help available, Call:

703-278-5433 in Northern Virginia.

If you seek help at an abortion clinic, you won't be told the reality of your situation. They will "help" you by taking the life of your baby. If you are pregnant, the truth is that you are sharing in the development of the greatest gift of all, the gift of life. Regardless of what you are told at an abortion clinic, abortion is the taking of a human life, your baby's life.

From the instant of conception, you have a separate life, a human life, a human baby in your womb. Your baby has done nothing to deserve the taking of his or her life. And you would probably be surprised at how rapidly your baby is developing.

Your baby's heartbeat can be detected in just a few days (usually 18 to 24 days) after conception. Your baby has all the DNA of a human being because he or she is, after all, a human being, the offspring of two human beings, not anything else. Brain waves can be detected 6 weeks after conception, and your baby's nervous system allows it to feel pain about 8 weeks after conception. Your baby reacts to stimulus like we all do.

Abortion clinics won't show you, but if you could see an ultrasound of a typical abortion, you would see your baby trying to get away from the suction cannula (used in the most common form of abortion) that will tear off your baby's arms, legs, and head so that only tiny pieces of your baby remain to be removed by the powerful suction machine. And do human beings, even small human babies in the womb, feel pain when they are being pulled apart in a typical abortion? The answer is, sadly, yes.

Thinking about the "safe" abortion pill (RU-486, Mifeprex)? Fourteen young women have died after taking the abortion pill and over 2200 have experienced adverse effects (including hospitalization and severe infections) according to the most recent FDA (Food and Drug Administration) report (RCM 2007-525 NDA 20-687, 4/30/2011).

Yes, abortion is gruesome and horrible, and risky for you. That's the reality you won't be told about if you go to an abortion clinic for help.

Please don't let them take an innocent life. You have other options. Help of various kinds is available. To find out about your options and help available, Call:

(703) 278-5433 in Fairfax

or 1-877-791-5475 (toll free helpline)

Visit www.novapregnancy.org




You have other options:

Real help is available through all stages of pregnancy. Call:

(703) 278-5433 in Fairfax or (301) 770-4444 in Maryland

1-877-791-5475 (toll free helpline).

Visit www.novapregnancy.org






What you should know about abortion in Northern Virginia


If you are considering having an abortion in Northern Virginia, you should know that abortion doctors and clinics in this area have had licenses revoked, been responsible for serious injuries and even death to women patients, and failed Virginia health inspections. You have options.

The unsafe practices by abortion doctors and unsafe conditions in abortion clinics in Northern Virginia are documented in court records, Virginia Dept. of Health Inspection Reports, and Virginia Board of Medicine Orders available to the public. Some examples are:

Court Cases

Circuit Court of Fairfax County #172985 --- A young woman suffered a lacerated and badly perforated uterus, lacerated artery and blood vessels, and hemorrhaging during an abortion. Despite uncontrolled bleeding, extreme pain, and signs of shock, she was discharged from the clinic and told to go home. She became unconscious on the way home and was rushed to a hospital where doctors had to remove her uterus to save her life. The abortion doctor who injured this young woman has worked at several Northern Virginia abortion clinics. The clinic where this injury occurred has changed names several times, the latest being Falls Church Healthcare Center.

Circuit Court of Fairfax County #CL2009-2641 --- Abortion clinic doctor failed to detect an ectopic (tubal) pregnancy in a woman, performed an unnecessary abortion in her uterus, and discharged her from the clinic despite great pain, bleeding, weakness and dizziness. She returned 3 days later to the clinic where the doctors again failed to detect her ectopic pregnancy and released her to go home. In unbearable pain and bleeding, she collapsed at home and was rushed to the hospital where doctors determined that she had a life-threatening ectopic pregnancy and removed her fallopian tube. The abortion doctor is the same one cited in the previous case.

Circuit Court of Fairfax County #L174899 --- Abortion clinic doctor failed to detect cancer in a young woman in several pap smears. The cancer metastasized; she became paralyzed and died. Had the abortion doctor detected the cancer earlier and had she received treatment, she would have had a 90% chance of surviving. Her family sued the abortionist and others involved and was awarded a $2M+ judgment. Although this case did not involve abortion, it illustrates the low quality of care provided by abortionists. This abortion doctor has been a co-owner of several abortion clinics in this area and has practiced for many years at Falls Church Healthcare Center.

Henrico County Circuit Court CR02001507-00 thru 510-00 – An abortion doctor working in a clinic in Falls Church (now operating as Falls Church Healthcare Center) severely injured a young woman undergoing an abortion. He perforated her uterus and damaged her bowel, causing her to hemorrhage. He then sent her to a hospital via ambulance, abandoned her without sufficient information on her condition, and did not communicate with the hospital staff. The hospital discovered the severity of her injuries through emergency exploratory procedures and performed a hysterectomy and a colostomy on the young woman. This doctor subsequently inflicted similar injuries on two young women at a clinic in Richmond before the Virginia Board of Medicine suspended his medical license. The very next day he performed 23 illegal abortions without a license at the Richmond clinic. He was convicted of four counts of practicing medicine without a license and spent time in jail as a result of these felonies. His medical license was permanently revoked. (VA Board of Medicine Order Re: License No. 0101- 053053, 8/30/02)

Supreme Court of Virginia #990376 --- Wrongful death case. Abortion clinic doctor started a Caesarian Section delivery too late to avoid severe brain damage to the baby. Taken off life support, the baby died 8 days after birth. The parents sued and were awarded $655K for their sorrow and mental anguish. Although this case did not involve abortion, it shows the low quality of care given by abortionists. This abortion doctor practices at several abortion clinics in Northern Virginia including Falls Church Healthcare.

BEWARE Abortion Clinics in Northern Virginia

Falls Church Healthcare Center, 900 S. Washington St., Falls Church, VA 22046. This abortion clinic claims to provide “safe, sanitary first-trimester abortions in accordance with Virginia and federal laws.” The facts prove otherwise. The history of Falls Church Healthcare, sometimes operating under different names, and its doctors is replete with injuries to women undergoing abortions, lawsuits from abortion-injured women (see above), failed health and safety inspections, injuries/reactions requiring emergency hospitalization, and doctor’s violation of regulations. A Virginia Dept. of Health inspection on Aug 1-2, 2012 found Falls Church Healthcare not in compliance with Virginia regulations for abortion clinics. A 63-page report detailed numerous deficiencies including: dried blood on patient exam table; walls and doors blood-spattered; filthy patient recovery chairs; contaminated blood collection equipment not cleaned between patient use; clean and contaminated equipment stored in same area; use of outdated drugs; failure to control narcotics and other drugs; inadequate staff training, etc. A revisit inspection by the Virginia Dept. of Health on Dec 5-6, 2012 found Falls Church Healthcare again non-compliant with the regulations. Several deficiencies in personnel, infection prevention, equipment and supplies remained uncorrected from the previous inspection. These and numerous new deficiencies are documented in an 8-pare report by the Health Dept. One of Falls Church Healthcare’s abortion doctors was issued a reprimand on 8/15/13 for violating the Virginia Board of Medicine General Regulations. (Virginia Board of Medicine Order Re: License No. 0101-018451, 8/15/13)

NOVA Woman’s Healthcare, 10400 Eaton Place, Fairfax, VA 22030. The doctor/owner/operator of this abortion clinic voluntarily and permanently surrendered her Virginia medical license following the death of her patient, a 26 year old woman, and violations of the Virginia Code, Virginia Board of Medicine Regulations, and Virginia Board of Medicine Order. She was performing an abortion on that young woman at her clinic. (Virginia Board of Medicine Orders of 4/5/05 and 5/18/07 License No. 0101-023297). A Virginia Dept. of Health inspection in 2012 found this clinic not in compliance with Virginia health regulations. This was documented in a 38-page Dept. of Health report. This clinic closed in 2013 but its doctors are still practicing in other abortion clinics in the area.

American Women’s Services (also known as Virginia Health Group and American Reproductive Services), 8316 Arlington Blvd., Fairfax, Virginia 22031. The owner/operator of this clinic:

a) has had his medical license revoked in New York following abortions in which one patient bled profusely due to a cervical laceration, lost consciousness, went into shock, and was rushed to a hospital where an emergency hysterectomy was performed. An abortion on another patient resulted in a lacerated uterus, damaged ureters, and an injured colon. The patient was taken by ambulance to a hospital where it was necessary to perform a colostomy. In revoking this doctor's license, the New York State Dept. of Health determined that his procedures constituted "negligence" and "gross negligence" and that this negligence was "life threatening." (New York Dept. of Health Order ARB No. 94-98).

b) has had his medical license revoked in Florida for violation of Florida medical statutes. (Florida Board of Medicine Order License No. ME0052183).

c) voluntarily retired his medical license in Pennsylvania with no possibility for reinstatement following investigation into his abortion practice in that state. ( Pennsylvania Board of Medicine Order File No. 91-49-03154).

d) has had his medical license suspended in New Jersey, must reimburse the state for $420K in legal fees, and pay a $140K fine. He was convicted of several counts of gross negligence, deception and official misconduct. He provided “grossly negligent care to five patients who sought and secured late term abortions." He started "individual abortion procedures in his New Jersey office and, following that initial treatment, transported four of the five women in car caravans from New Jersey to Maryland" where the final procedures were performed in order to circumvent the more stringent New Jersey laws. (New Jersey Board of Medical Examiners Order License No. MA051068.) Maryland has ordered him to stop practicing medicine without a license in that state.

e) has been arrested and charged, along with another of his abortion doctors, with murder in the State of Maryland. (Philadelphia Inquirer, Dec 31, 2011).

f) A Virginia Health Dept. inspection of this clinic in August 2012 found 12 pages of health code violations including failure to clean medical equipment between patients; lack of infection control; expired medications; mishandled and improperly stored medications; inadequate record keeping; personnel with unverified medical licenses and certificates, etc. This clinic's license was temporarily suspended in April 2016 when a Health Department inspection found 26 major violations which were documented in a 52-page report.

g) A troubled, sometimes-licensed medical “assistant” with mental illness and an attempted murder charge working in his clinic has committed suicide.

Unbelievably, with all this, he is still operating his American Women’s Services (also called Virginia Health Group) abortion clinic in Fairfax, VA.

Planned Parenthood of Metropolitan Washington, 370 S. Washington St., Falls Church, VA 22046. A Planned Parenthood abortion doctor performed an abortion on a 14-year old girl and severely injured her, leaving her infertile for the rest of her life. Her family sued (US District Court for DC Case 1:08-cv-00231-RBW) and Planned Parenthood paid $1.4M in damages. This clinic failed a Virginia Dept. of Health inspection on June 28-29, 2012. The Dept. of Health report contains numerous deficiencies including: tears in the vinyl on the abortion tables that made sanitizing impossible; recovery room chairs in soiled cloth or torn vinyl that could not be adequately sanitized; expired drugs and syringes; administering medications without documented doctor’s orders; improper and appalling drug handling practices. When one employee was questioned about her failure to clean the tops of drug vials before inserting syringes, the worker responded, “The current research says it doesn’t make any difference. You could lick the tops of the vials and the infection rate would be the same.” This clinic closed in December 2015. It's abortion doctors are still practicing in the area.

Alexandria Women’s Health Clinic , 101 S. Whiting St., Suite 215, Alexandria, VA 22304.

An abortion doctor who worked at this clinic failed to detect cancer in a young woman in several visits for pap smears. The cancer metastasized; she died; and her family was awarded over $2M in a court judgement. (Circuit Court of Fairfax County #L174899) He also was reprimanded for violating Virginia medical regulations. (Virginia Board of Medicine Order Re: License No. 0101-018451, 8/15/13) . This clinic failed two Virginia Health Dept. inspections. The first inspection on July 18 & 19, 2012 found numerous failures in such areas as: infection prevention, cleanliness, sanitation, control of narcotics, and quality assurance. These were documented in a 29 page report. A repeat inspection on March 27, 2013, documented in a 27 page report, found that little had been done to correct the earlier deficiencies. The numerous uncorrected violations included failure to wash hands before and after abortions; use of expired medications and blood; use of cloth chairs and damaged exam tables that could not be disinfected between patients; no staff training in infection control; and inadequate cleaning of dirty gowns and patient blankets. When asked, the reason given for not correcting the violations in the 9 months since the initial inspection was that they’ve “been busy and hadn’t gotten to it.”

Amethyst Health Center for Women, 9380 Forestwood Lane, Manassas, VA 20110. An abortion doctor at this clinic was sued in a case of wrongful death (DC Court Case No. CA 005177). Another abortion doctor who worked there was sued for an abortion that was so badly botched that it necessitated an emergency hysterectomy (Circuit Court of Fairfax County Case No. 172985). Another doctor was reprimanded by the Virginia Dept. of Health for allowing unqualified workers to administer drugs to abortion patients (VA. Board of Medicine Order Re: License No. 0101-018451, 8/10/13). This clinic failed two Virginia Dept. of Health inspections. The Health Dept. report of the May 31-June 1, 2012 inspection documents 17 pages of non-compliance. Violations include: recovery recliners not disinfected between patients; tears in recovery area stretchers that could not be sanitized; using the same rubber gloves for all patients; expired drugs; use of expired bleach that had lost its ability to sanitize; failure to properly launder linens to prevent infection; blood and drugs stored in “soiled” utility room refrigerator with staff member’s lunches, etc. This clinic closed in September 2015. Some of it's abortion doctors are still operating at other abortion clinics in this area.This clinic closed in September 2015. Some of it's abortion doctors are still operating at other abortion clinics in this area.

Annandale Women and Family Center, 2839 Duke St., Alexandria, VA 22314. An abortion doctor who has worked at this Clinic was sued for wrongful death (DC Court Case No. CA 005177). This facility was inspected in 2012 by the Dept. of Health which issued a 48 page report of health code violations including: dried blood, torn surface and tape on abortion table; torn surfaces on recovery room stretchers; failure to clean “direct care” equipment between patients; reuse of sponges that were used to clean dirty surgical equipment and no way to sterilize them; failure to properly launder linens used on patients; failure to have staff with current CPR certification on duty; etc.

Choices, Options, and Available Help

Do you really want to take the risks of an abortion by one of these abortionists in one of these abortion clinics?

You have options which these clinics will not tell you about. Please consider these options for your own good. Is someone pressuring you? What do you want? You might be considering an abortion because of a potential financial crunch, or perhaps it's just "not the right time" to have a baby, or other reasons.

Help of various kinds is available. To find out about your options and the help available, Call:

703-278-5433 in Northern Virginia.

If you seek help at an abortion clinic, you won't be told the reality of your situation. They will "help" you by taking the life of your baby. If you are pregnant, the truth is that you are sharing in the development of the greatest gift of all, the gift of life. Regardless of what you are told at an abortion clinic, abortion is the taking of a human life, your baby's life.

From the instant of conception, you have a separate life, a human life, a human baby in your womb. Your baby has done nothing to deserve the taking of his or her life. And you would probably be surprised at how rapidly your baby is developing.

Your baby's heartbeat can be detected in just a few days (usually 18 to 24 days) after conception. Your baby has all the DNA of a human being because he or she is, after all, a human being, the offspring of two human beings, not anything else. Brain waves can be detected 6 weeks after conception, and your baby's nervous system allows it to feel pain about 8 weeks after conception. Your baby reacts to stimulus like we all do.

Abortion clinics won't show you, but if you could see an ultrasound of a typical abortion, you would see your baby trying to get away from the suction cannula (used in the most common form of abortion) that will tear off your baby's arms, legs, and head so that only tiny pieces of your baby remain to be removed by the powerful suction machine. And do human beings, even small human babies in the womb, feel pain when they are being pulled apart in a typical abortion? The answer is, sadly, yes.

Thinking about the "safe" abortion pill (RU-486, Mifeprex)? Fourteen young women have died after taking the abortion pill and over 2200 have experienced adverse effects (including hospitalization and severe infections) according to the most recent FDA (Food and Drug Administration) report (RCM 2007-525 NDA 20-687, 4/30/2011).

Yes, abortion is gruesome and horrible, and risky for you. That's the reality you won't be told about if you go to an abortion clinic for help.

Please don't let them take an innocent life. You have other options. Help of various kinds is available. To find out about your options and help available, Call:

(703) 278-5433 in Fairfax

or 1-877-791-5475 (toll free helpline)

Visit www.novapregnancy.org




You have other options:

Real help is available through all stages of pregnancy. Call:

(703) 278-5433 in Fairfax or (301) 770-4444 in Maryland

1-877-791-5475 (toll free helpline).

Visit www.novapregnancy.org